1st International Congress for Plant Protection in Mediterranean Agroecosystems

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1st International Congress for Plant Protection in Mediterranean Agroecosystems


16th to 20th July 2018

Montpellier SupAgro – France



Mediterranean context

“The multidimensionnality of the agricultural and rural question in the Mediterranean militates to engage an euromediterranean mobilization on this subject. Because agriculture is in the middle of the Mediterranean identity and is displayed like an essential determinant for the economies and the companies of the area…

The wealth of natural resources and the diversity of the landscapes of the Mediterranean make of it an exceptional eco- region of this world. However with human development and industrialist this environmental heritage erodes little by little… The impact of the climate change the threats of the biodiversity of the zone, the soil erosion or the polluting emissions caused by energy consumption constitute powerful testimonies of this increasing vulnerability of Mediterranean space…”1

Specific constraints

In addition to its climatic unity, the Mediterranean basin offers both an exceptional biodiversity of ecosystems, with remarkable plant endemism, and very similar agrosystems, with some being very intensive (biodiversity loss) and very traditional (biodiversity conservation).

But this diversity is endangered given that the Mediterranean basin is one of the world areas most affected by climate changes and anthropic activities. For this reason, it deserves a special attention in order to avoid compromising its ecosystem heritage. On one hand, the asymmetry of the trade relationships across the Mediterranean Sea lead South and East Mediterranean countries to increase their offer to the detriment of their environments. On the other hand, ecological pressure in North countries leads to a major thought on ecological intensi cation of agriculture. Thus, the new ecological conquest of the North-Mediterranean soils requires new integrated strategies whose components are often empirical practices in traditional farming systems of the South.

The issue

Research developed around the Mediterranean basin cannot disregard the complexity of the processes involved by global changes, especially in relation to climate and anthropic activities. They can no longer be con ned to agronomic approaches, and must contemplate more systemic framework2. Given the diversity of the Mediterranean eco anthroposystems and the diversity of weakening mechanisms imposed on them, Mediterranean countries are exceptionally suited for developing these research approaches.


Following objectives for restoration of disturbed agrosystems, it is becoming urgent to understand the contribution of invasives species within all degradation functions, and especially in the context of fast programmed elimination of pesticides.

To give relevant answers to the questions carrying about the role of the harmful organizations and the invasive species in the degradation of the Mediterranean eco anthroposystems due to parasites, the 1st congress ICPPMA will included the following sessions:

– Food webs in Mediterranean Agroecosystems
– Epidemiological surveys in Mediterranean Plant protection- Role and functioning of phytosanitary agencies in the context of new emerging pests
– IPM: agroecological structures and “biocontrôle” in Mediterranean Agroecosystems
– NTIC in plant protection in the Mediterranean
– Regulations in plant protection in the Mediterranean.

1. Hervieu B. 2007 Cah. Agric. 16: 247-250
2. www.millenniumassessment.org



All submitted papers, if accepted, will be selected for either an oral presentation or a poster. All the presentations (for any poster or oral presentation) must be accompanied by a full scienti c paper in order to be published in the conference proceedings. An abstract of this article will be published in the proceedings and the full article will be available as an electronic copy; both given to the conference attendees.

People whose communication has been accepted as a poster must be present during all related poster sessions to answer any questions from participants.
Papers, posters and/or oral presentations, are accepted in either English or French.



A simultaneous French-English and English-French translation will be provided during the plenary sessions.



The communication area of the 1st ICPPMA will provide a friendly atmosphere for each company to discuss and relay information on their activities. High quality stands will be proposed and precisions will be given by post at a later date.



480 euros (lunches included) for 4.5 of Congress days and a half-day to visit.
50 euros more for the evening party.



Abstract submited before December 15th 2017 Acceptance or refusal of abstracts: January 20th 2018 Full texts: March 1st 2018
Final version: May 15th 2018



The 1st Congress ICPPMA will be held from July 16th to 20th 2018 at Montpellier SupAgro – 2, place Pierre Viala – 34060 Montpellier (France).
All informations regarding how to reach will be send to registred participants.



Those interested in presenting a paper must complete the enclosed “call for papers” form or ll in the online form on our website www.ICPPMA.com at the latest by December 15th 2017. Passed this deadline, no paper will be accepted. The acceptance or refusal of each proposal will be communicated by the Scienti c committee on January 20th 2018 the latest.

Full texts must be sent before March 1st 2018. After peer- review, the nal corrected version must be returned no later than May 15th 2018.


For all information, please contact:

AFPP – Phone +33 (0)1 41 79 19 80

Site internet : www.ICPPMA.com


ICPPMA call for papers

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