XVII. International Plant Protection Congress (IPPC) August 24-27, 2015 Henry Ford Building (Free University Berlin), Berlin, Germany Important Dates Abstract Submission Deadline : 1 February 2015 Early Bird Registration Deadline : 28 February 2015 Official...
11th International Working Conference on Stored Product Protection November 24-28, 2014 The Empress Hotel Chiang Mai, THAILAND Important Dates Abstract Submission Deadline : 1 March 2014 Full Text Submission Deadline : 1 May 2014 Early Bird Registration Deadline : 31 August 2014 Official webpage: http://www.iwcspp2014.com/
A joint EFSA-EPPO Workshop will be held on 1-3 April 2014 in Parma (Italy) on ‘Data collection and information sharing in plant health’. Data collection is a fundamental element for evidence-based risk assessment and decision-making in plant health. Much uncertainty in risk assessment is due to a lack of data or unavailability of data.
A joint EFSA-EPPO Workshop will be held on 1-3 April 2014 in Parma (Italy) on ‘Data collection and information sharing in plant health’. Data collection is a fundamental element for evidence-based risk assessment and decision-making in plant health. Much uncertainty in risk assessment is due to a lack of data or unavailability of data.
10th European Congress of Entomology, 3rd – 8th August 2014, York (United Kingdom)
PhD Studentship in Biological Sciences http://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/AHR044/phd-studentship-in-biological-sciences/
Research Assistant http://www.rothamsted.ac.uk/jobs/1296http://www.rothamsted.ac.uk/jobs/1296
Ecology, Agricultural Entomology in Uppsala 1 PhD student in the research education subject: Ecology Monitoring and modification of gut bacteria associated with malaria mosquitoes
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences SLU is an international university, providing world-class education and research in the fields of life and environmental sciences. In fact, SLU is ranked amongst the top 100 of approximately 5 000 European universities. Each year, more than 100 new students begin their PhD at SLU. Plant Protection...
Research Fellow vacancy announcement (Agrobiodiversity as an Instrument for Climate Change Adaptation) – closing date 15 Feb