PhD opportunity in Fruit Fly Microbiome – Macquarie University

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Macquarie University


PhD on “Fruit Fly Microbiome” 
Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia

A PhD opportunity is available on a project investigating the microbiome of the Queensland fruit fly (Bactrocera tryoni; Tephritidae) (‘Q-fly’). Investigations will focus on the composition of the gut microbiome and how this changes when a fly transitions from its native environment to the laboratory environment. This will cover both comparisons of life stages and tracking changes through the multiple generations of various domestication processes. 

The PhD project will include genomics (next- generation sequencing), microscopy, molecular microbiology, bioinformatics and insect ecology to investigate several research questions to investigate the key objectives:

1) Is the Q-fly microbiome plastic, and is it dependent on life stage?

2) Is there a base gut microbiome and does it change with different environmental conditions?

3) What influences can the microbiome have on Q-fly physiology and behaviour? 

Financial Support: This project is part of a $20.5 million multi-institution ’SIT Plus’ collaboration that aims to develop a detailed understanding of Q-fly biology to improve the quality of fruit flies for Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) applications.

Contact Person: Dr Toni Chapman[email protected]

Deadline:Expressions of interest close at midnight on Sunday 17 January 2016 

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